Google Calendar 愚人節笑話

Google Calendar 裡有顯示一個新功能
"Google Wake Up KitNew!"
好奇的點進去看看,Google Calendar 可以叫你起床!!

Wake yourself up with our new Google Wake Up Kit!
Do you have trouble getting out of bed in the morning? We do, too. In fact this problem became so serious at times that it sometimes resulted in lacklustre attendance at team meetings. To help solve the problem we've created an innovative solution called the Google Wake Up Kit.

"I could never wake up on time to get to our team meetings. But thanks to the new Google Wake Up Kit, I'm always on time now!"
Pedro C.

In combination with the kit, you can receive a new type of notification from Google Calendar, called the "wake up" notification. This notification is relentless in ensuring your timely awakening from restful slumber.

The "wake up" notification uses several progressively more annoying alerts to wake you up. First it will send an SMS message to your phone. If that fails, more coercive means will be used. The kit includes an industrial-sized bucket and is designed to be connected to your water main for automatic filling. In addition, a bed-flipping device is included for forceful removal from your sleeping quarters. Learn more

Google 會不會太好了!!我再點 Learn more 時,才知道自己被 Google 騙了....


  1. Google Calendar我倒是没看到愚人节玩笑,不过我专门下载了Google Docs愚人节特别发布的纸飞机,我还专门折了一个呢,可以看看我折得如何?






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