
目前顯示的是 3月, 2007的文章


沒去坐 去拍照 拍照和去觀光的人 比坐的人多


上星期去二十號倉庫看手作市集 說實在的 沒幾攤讓我想拿名片.....

Carl Zeiss Planar T*85mm F1.4 ZF

亂逛網路看到有人用這支跟 Nikon AF 85/1.4 作 評比 ,看了一下 覺得Carl Zeiss 85/1.4 T* ZF這支真的太猛了.... 不過價格也滿貴的.....

WindowsLive Writer

這篇是用 WindowsLive Writer 發布的 Windows 的軟体,支援滿多 Blog 的 Only for PC.


昨天跟 joe 去 20 號倉庫看手工製品市集 回程時去中港路VS忠明南路那裡的安全島上拍了一些木棉花 今天是馬兆駿紀念音樂會的日期 在台北 我無法去 作了一張四月月暦紀念馬爺 若需要1024X768, 可於此下載

Mac OS X 各式開機按鍵組合

When troubleshooting, performing maintenance, or otherwise starting up your Mac OSX computer in an abnormal fashion, there are a few keyboard shortcuts that you may or may not know about that can help you. Below is a list of them with an explanation of what they do: X = Force Mac OS X startup Option = Brings up a screen with startup volume choices (slow process, may take a while) Option+Command+Shift+Delete = Bypass primary startup volume and seek a different startup volume (such as a CD or external disk) C = Start up from a CD that has a system folder N = Attempt to start up from a compatible network server (NetBoot) T = Start up in FireWire Target Disk mode (very handy for plugging your Mac into another as an external hard drive) Shift = start up in Safe Boot mode and temporarily disable login items and non-essential kernel extension files (Mac OS X 10.2 and later) Command+V = Start up in Verbose mode. Command+S = Start up in Single-User mode Command+Option+p+r = Zap PRAM. Hold down


有些人呀 明明不懂偏要裝懂,還跟你說我用電腦十幾年了,你們程式有問題 用十幾年不代表你懂電腦吧 不懂裝懂是很好笑的一件事,也會讓我很火大 我的武裝就馬上起來要攻擊他了 不要因為不懂而無知,因無知而無禮,會讓人想攻擊的


以上是九星及八門的原始位置 灰色底的是九星,橘色是吉星,黑色是凶星 數字+2是吉星,+1是次吉,0是平平,-1是凶星 藍色是吉門,紅色是凶門,黑色是平平的門 應該很容易了解了